Friday, March 8, 2019

ADITOS - All Day I think of Sewing!

I miss you all very much!

I still have many UFOs! I have my trunks of Material! My machine is dusty!


My kids are now 14, 12, almost 10, and 8! They Virtual School and have many activities! I still help run our non-profit AND I run a wellness business and support many other moms in their schooling at home needs in addition to their health.

I love to serve people. I still make sure to care for me!

From 2011-2013, I lost my 101 pounds and kept most off! Then I had bunion surgery on each foot in 2016. Then in 2017 an emergency appendectomy! Praise God I am still here, literally!

I have gained some back and working on eating better is a daily struggle.

Balancing it all is my goal. I do think about sewing ALL THE TIME!

I follow Many on Instagram! IF YOU HAVE INSTAGRAM, Message me your name to follow!!!

I drool of patterns and fabric still! :)

Love and miss you all mucho,
